Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Fuck This List.

This is easy.I'm mad at a lot of stuff, some of which has no logic, some has all of the logic. If you disagree with me, good. Bring it on. I want to hear about it. So here is a list of shit I've had about enough of (in literally no particular order):

Fuck Donald Trump
Fuck Mike Pence to death
Fuck Rudy Giuliani
Fuck Chris Christie
Fuck a Republican Controlled Congress and their desire to turn back all civil liberties
Fuck a Republican Controlled Supreme Court and their potential for dooming a generation
Fuck Roger Goodell (Commissioner of the NFL)
Fuck Joe Buck (Professional sportscaster/goober)
Fuck Gary Bettman (Commissioner of the NHL/twit)
Fuck Troy Aikman (Sportscaster who's brain has been made into jelly by large sportsdudes)
Fuck Budweiser and all its bullshit varieties
Fuck The Christian Right
Fuck White Supremacy
Fuck Nonviolent Protest (It doesn't do anything other than get in people's way)
Fuck Driving in Boston
Fuck Constantly being worried about money despite my best efforts to work more and save
Fuck Shitty Beer. Life is too short to indulge in garbage
Fuck Domestic Violence. In fact, Double Fuck Domestic Violence, and the human trash who commit it.
Fuck The Democratic Party for fucking us normal folks.
Fuck The Electoral College
Fuck Shitty Cell Service
Fuck Winter Business Hours
Fuck The Confederate Flag. Seriously, how is that still a thing?
Fuck Bigotry and Racism
Fuck Anyone who Thinks Gay People Shouldn't Marry
Fuck Our Societal Inequalities and those who want to keep them intact
Fuck Anti-Vaxxers!
Fuck Misogyny
Fuck Sexism
Fuck Xenophobia
Fuck Nationalism
Fuck Myopic Worldviews
Fuck Tom Brady (Football man/Chin Dimple model)
Fuck Russell Wilson (Football man/Sanctimonious cockbag)
Fuck Dwight Howard (Basketball Man/human unable to learn about basketball, somehow)
Fuck Peter Theil
Fuck Lost
Fuck Hulk Hogan for everything after 1995
Fuck Alarm Clocks 
Fuck Global Warming
Fuck Climate Change Deniers
Fuck Cronyism
Fuck Student Loans
Fuck Medical Debt
Fuck Useless Public Works Projects
Fuck Bats (why would God make those things, WHY?)
Fuck Mail-In Rebates
Fuck Pop Music for it's lack of balls
Fuck Toby Keith
Fuck Marlins Man (Look it up, I'll wait)
Fuck Boring Food
Fuck Being Complacent
Fuck NOT Reading Books
Fuck Shitty TV
Fuck Shitty Movies
Fuck Shitty Music
Fuck Shitty Art
Fuck Family Circus
Fuck People who Think Hot Dogs are Sandwiches
Fuck Creationists
Fuck Algebra
Fuck Flat Tires
Fuck Driving Behind 18-Wheelers in the Rain
Fuck 9/11 Truthers
Fuck George Bush (pick one, I say fuck 'em both)
Fuck Ronald Reagan
Fuck Zealots
Fuck Sudoku
Fuck My Reliance on ESPN
Fuck Black Licorice
Fuck People Who Give Raisins for Halloween
Fuck Paying for Laundry
Fuck Plain Hummus
Fuck Slinkys
Fuck Not Getting A Fudgie The Whale for My Birthday Cake, MOM (it's been 30 years, get it together)
Fuck Insects in my Apartment (not anymore, that shit got taken care of quick)
Fuck A Million Other Things.

Fuck My Hypocrisy

And...Most importantly...

Fuck this year. Just...Fuck you, 2016. Enough is enough, you motherfucker. Fuck 2016 more than anything else on this ridiculous list. Fuck 2016. It can't end quickly enough.



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