Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Parking Lot Madness

I will never understand some people. I understand most of the things people do, in general. Hell, I have done some inexplicable things in my day, so I think I can wrap my head around even the most asinine actions of the random citizen.

There are some things, however, that just baffle me.

Today, as I was pulling into my parking lot, an office supply delivery truck pulled in ahead of me. Not a big deal, guy has a job to do, who am I to get in his way. As I was turning in, I noticed some people loitering in the middle of the lot. One had a baby stroller with no baby in it.

Why no baby? Because that's where the 30 pack of Keystone Light was resting, of course. The child that once was occupying the stroller was uncomfortably being held by an uncomfortably dirty man who's shorts were uncomfortably out of season.

Anyway, this group was just standing there, in the middle of the lot, smoking and swearing, being the type of general parking lot denizens who don't actually own cars but lean against them anyway. I did not like the look of these people.

As the delivery truck pulled up to them, it came to a stop. I pulled in behind it and stopped, thereby shielding myself from whatever was happening with the vagrants in the lot. The truck did not pull forward in a timely manner. No one got out of its way. This is a box truck with a bunch of stuff in it waiting to be delivered to someone. Someone who needs copy paper. Someone in desperate need of some toner. And these assholes just stood there.

Then came the honk from the horn of the truck. As it should have. Then I hear some random yelling sounds and the bad beer stroller nosing its way to the side away from the truck. Slowly. The people were giving the delivery driver a ration of shit for trying to do his job! The driver pulled forward, I followed, and we both parked. He went about his job and I went into my building. All the while I could hear the street folk yelling at the driver.

What could they ever have to yell about? Are they jealous that he has a job and they don't? Did they not want to upset their resting swill baby, who was quietly at home in a stroller?

I don't get it. I don't understand why you wouldn't get out of the way of a delivery truck. I don't care how many of you there are, your little pack of filth will get run over by a truck. Your crappy beers will be smashed and given to the Sewer Gods. Your actual child will be harmed. YOU ARE STANDING IN THE WAY OF A GODDAMNED TRUCK!

Don't give it any shit, just get out of the way and continue trying to figure out where to get cheap drugs on the side of the lot like a normal human disappointment. Some people just can't be bothered. I guess that's what makes the same species seem like they have evolved on different planes. I think about not dying at the hands of a truck filled with pens. Others don't seem to care.

I'd like to think I'm just better at being a person than some people. I'd also liketo live in a world where I don't have to think that.


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