Friday, September 25, 2015

More Than One Item can Go in a Bag.

I had to stop at Walgreen's on my way home from work so I could get some shampoo, which I was previously out of. Picking out the proper bottle wasn't a big deal, and neither was grabbing that frozen burrito. The burrito was purchased with the thought that I might be getting drunk later and when that happens, I tend to enjoy a late night snack.

So I take my burrito and shampoo up to the counter and the lady begins to ring me out. She scans the shampoo and puts it in a bag. She scans the burrito and puts it in a separate bag. 2 things, 2 bags. "One bag is fine," I said to her.

"But you have shampoo," she responded.
"It might leak."
"I don't think so, one bag should be fine," I said as I placed the burrito in the shampoo bag.
"Well," she sighed deeply, "Okay."

What the fuck did she think was going to happen? The lids on shampoo bottles are sealed well at this point in history, and it would take a pretty serious burrito to put enough pressure on it to cause the contents of said bottle to blast out of the top. This is not a serious burrito.

It's not like I bought shampoo and a selection of loose knives. A frozen burrito isn't pointy enough to puncture the hull of a shampoo bottle. I'm not putting the shampoo into a bag with my machete and driving through the jungle. The shampoo was in literally no danger of being compromised during the 90 second drive from Walgreen's to my apartment.

Even if something would to happen to the bottle and it exploded, leaked, or was otherwise compromised, the burrito was in a sealed package of its own. A sealed package of plastic that I could cleanse of the rogue shampoo would something catastrophic happen to the bottle.

Why two bags? What is the purpose of this? Nobody respects grocery bag efficiency. At Stop & Shop, you can put more than just a loaf of bread in a bag, right? This is bullshit.

Although I do respect the potential for danger held in the hands of a late night burrito, I think people are too dumb to bag things in stores. Shampoo and a frozen burrito are not ideologically opposed to each other, as they are not sentient and have NO IDEOLOGY WHATSOEVER! There is no conflict here. I don't think there will be some sort of race war between hair care products and microwavable snacks any time soon, and especially not in the bag I brought home this afternoon.

I didn't need this crap today. I really didn't.


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