Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Lurking Guy is Lurking

Part of my job is to go out to the offices of EB and replace existing computers with newer, smaller models. Each one is customized to each individual user so they don't lose the work they have already done and continue to do things I am vastly unqualified for. This is all fine and dandy, and usually, nothing weird happens.

Until today. I was in an office of engineers, who were doing, I don't know, engineering, on something I didn't recognize. I find the person whose computer was due to be replaced and had him save and close out of what he was doing, shut his machine down, and chill out of a few minutes while I did my thing. Not a problem. This is all standard procedure and literally every other time I have done this, nothing has gotten weird.

So I was doing my thing, unplugging cords and plugging new cords into cord holes and I feel something strange, something unusual. I look up and there is a younger guy watching me. "How's it going?" I ask cordially (well, cordially for me anyway).

Nothing. Just standing there, looking. He was wearing tinted glasses, the kind that adjust to the ambient light in the space you are in. They were oddly dark for an office, but it was bright, so I guess that is okay. But I couldn't see his eyes, even though I was convinced they were trained directly at me. It was...unnerving.

He then started to walk away. Slowly. "Yeeeeaaaahhh," I thought to myself. So I went back to work. As I finished up and found the owner of the desk again, I noticed this guy in a corner, watching my every move. "Huh," I said. Out loud. The guy who's computer I just switched thought I was talking to him, that there was some sort of problem. I assured him it was nothing and had him log back into the system. Everything worked fine.

I went on to the next guy, a few desks over. It seems that the people who get new computers, and all of them will eventually, are drawn randomly from a deck of cards. I think whoever schedules the work tried to get as many in the same general vicinity as possible, but it rarely works out well for us in the field.

Anyway, onto the next guy. Creepy sunglasses man strolled past slowly and softly, and by the angle of his face, watching me. I began to wonder if this guy was an engineer or something way weirder. I started to second guess what I was doing, I was getting freaked out a little. This guy was just quietly watching me work, like he had never seen someone do this before so he needed to capture every single angle with his mind camera.

I was no longer amused. Each PC I replaced was met with more lurking, more watching. It took a lot of effort to not start fucking with him or asking him for advice on random things, like the best way to clean a hat, or the tastiest food for goldfish.

Luckily for me, and him, too, I guess, I was able to move on to another, less lurky, office. But for the rest of my day I was a little creeped out.

In his defense, it was around lunchtime and he might have just been a hungry cannibal.

I'm good eatin'!


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