Wednesday, March 21, 2012

I'm just saying

What the fuck is up with the lame magazines in doctors offices.  I'm sorry, but if I wanted to read an issue of Forbes from October, I'd go online to find the particular article that I want.  Jesus Christ.  Everything in their waiting rooms is months old.  I don't want to read about the things that happened when I was whole.  I am in the waiting room, WAITING for my appointment, not reminiscing about the times when I had no goddamn clue that this building even existed. 

Remember when Ohio State was in the news? No? That's because the story is over a season old and nobody cares anymore.  I had that issue of Sports Illustrated and have already gotten rid of it.  I generally keep those for a bit, until the news cycle changes.  That is, unless Peyton Manning or Dwight Howard are involved, because those two are going to be in the sports page headlines for another friggin year. 

Nobody wants to sit in a waiting room and read about shit that doesn't matter anymore.  I don't care how ironic you think you are, you are well aware of the November issue of Wired.  The only current reading material is the new issue of The Resident, which is uber lame local hand jobbery. 

Doctors: Please get your waiting room shit together.  As someone who is going to have to spend too much time in said rooms, I plead that you, as an industry, help people not feel bad that their lives suck way more now than when Rick Perry was in the news.  Update your reading material.  For the love of the Hippocratic Oath, help me feel better emotionally and physically. 

Being reminded of the past is not something that a person recovering from anything needs.  Addicts don't want to be reminded of their indiscretions, and the injured don't want to be reminded about the actions leading up to the injury.  Look forward, doctors.  Provide the newest issues of periodicals.  Hell, The Dutch Tavern keeps up with the daily newspapers, and that is a bar.  Doctors make a shitload of money off of suckers like me who tend to need them of some serious issues, the least they could do is get some subscriptions for the office that allows people to stay at least a little current.

I'm not saying that the waiting room of my orthopedist needs to look like a Manhattan news stand, but some progress would be nice.  I don't think that they would eschew new medical technology for leeches and an rock to the skull, so why would they live in the past with their mags?  Bedside manner is important, or at least that is what I learned from watching too much Scrubs.  Bedside manner is akin to the post coital cuddling that doctors use to make you feel better.  Foreplay is nice too.  Before the examination of my body, doc, how about something interesting to stimulate my mind? Doesn't seem to be such a far flung idea if you ask me. 


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