Saturday, March 31, 2012

I'm baaaaack

Home from surgery, so that is good.  Don't remember much about yesterday, so that is weird.  I went to the hospital, go checked in, got my knee shaved (ladies, you're welcome), and got knocked the fuck out by some incredible drugs.  Apparently everything went well.

That means I have a zombie part.  I'm okay with that.  Now my life revolves around a rehab schedule that still has to be worked out.  Until then, I am at the mercy of a cooling machine, a tube of morphine going into my leg, and a couple of prescriptions that I take "when needed."  I don't know how much of anything I am going to be able to do.  I can type, obviously, and I can sleep, but other than that, as of right now, I am stuck in my bed, dozing off when I can, and laying about doing nothing for the other hours of the day.

My parents have been awesome throughout this ordeal.  I crashed at their house yesterday.  After surgery, I was essentially passed out for the remainder of the day.  I would be awake when someone spoke to me or wanted to move me, but for the most part, I was out.  Now I know what a cat's life is like. 

As I was in recovery, I remember the nurse trying to get me to pee.  I recall her being insistent that I go because I had taken in 2 liters of fluid, and I would surely have to pee.  There was no flow.  Nothing.  I might as well have been given a camel part because that was how well I was using my fluids. 

Moving from place to place hasn't been easy.  It hasn't been hard, really, but getting up stairs is fun.  Sitting on the stair, I had to push myself up with my good leg and my arms, which were bringing me to the next stair.  I don't know how I will be able to go down stairs, but I don't think that this will be much of a problem for a few days. 

I am happy to be home, with my comfortable bed and knowledge of where everything is.  I have plenty to do here, so I won't be without ways to pass the insane amount of time that I possess now. 

I need a hobby.


1 comment:

  1. write write write! I know this sounds ridiculous after reading all of your inside look at a torn ACL but I would love to be able to do nothing except write for a few weeks. Start a novel.
