Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Well, shit....

Here we go again! It seems as though I only post in here when something is physically wrong with me. So let's keep that party going, huh!

A few years ago, when I started this literary carnage, it was because I was bored and injured with a torn ACL, and there was a lot of shit I needed to get off my chest at that particular moment in my history. When the time moved quicker and I got back into my old routine, I stopped writing. Bad move, me. Really bad. I lost my touch. I tried to be witty on Facebook and other commenting outlets, but that wasn't enough. I ended up complacent. I stopped giving a shit.

Well, now I might be hurt again (okay, so my knee hurts, but I don't know why) so I figure that restarting this hot mess would be appropriate.

To the pain!

Yesterday, for absolutely no good fucking reason, my right knee, the one I had surgered about 2 1/2 years ago, began to be sore. I was over at a friends for dinner and left early to ice it down in the comfort and quietude of my apartment. While I was icing, it began to swell. A lot. Now, I'm no doctor (clearly) but I am willing to put money on the fact that the swelling was coincidental to the ice, not resulting from it. The knee got big, like way bigger than it rightfully should have been, and stayed that way. It became difficult to walk. Luckily I don't get rid of anything ever so I still had my crutches from before. If I wanted to go refill my drink or use the loo, I had to crutch up and gimp my way to my destination. For the record, the dog HATES crutches.

This morning, it was more of the same. Movement was predicated on the crutches, but I was able to do all my business and get to work on time. I had forgotten what a fantastic upper body workout crutches can be. Never again. Anyway, I was able to tailor my work to a more stationary, sitting role, no small feat for a kitchen, and was able to make it through without incident. The swelling has gone down a bit, not enough to make me feel good about it, but some, and that's a start.

I made an appointment at Crossroads Orthopedics for tomorrow morning. We'll see how that turns out. I don't think there is anything structurally wrong in there, as there was no recent trauma that would have precipitated such a reaction. So hopefully I can get out of there with a diagnosis and some hope that this crap will pass quickly and without incident. I think that the worst that can come of this, after doing a few hours of internet based research (the MOST reliable kind), is that I have sort of arthritic mayhem going on in there and should probably get a shit ton of Aleve to remedy my condition. Actually, the worst case scenario is that I need another surgery and have to be on the disabled list for 3 months again.

Fuck that noise.


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