Monday, September 29, 2014

What to do, what to do

Here it is, then. The wide world of not having anything to do. While a portion of my day is dedicated to looking for work, I still have hours to fill. So now a secondary goal, other than fixing this ridiculous unemployment situation, will be other activities that I can fill the hours with. Other things that will keep me motivated and interested in a way that will activate my mind so it doesn't atrophy.

Today I filed. I made the leap from contributing member of society to burden of society. I filed online, which, for what it is, was fairly painless. There were some vague aspect of the form, so after I completed the form I called the office. Several times.

The first time, I was asked where I lived. "New London," I said.
"Okay, you have to call the New London office," The woman on the other end responded.
"The number is (860) 443-012."
This is not a real phone number. This is the thing a disinterested girl gives some dude at a bar. "Uhhh...can you repeat that," I said. "I didn't get all the..."
Dial tone.

Are you fucking kidding me? You rotten slag, what the hell is the matter with you? I was a little miffed at this point. Either way, I found the number and called.

There was a recording that said nothing interesting for a while and then this: "To continue in English, press 1. To continue in Spanish, press 2. If you use a rotary phone, hold the line." First of all, who the hell uses a rotary phone still? Is this a problem? What is going on in this state?

I press 1 for English. "Gracias! Para blah blah blah." I don't speak Spanish, so I don't know what they said. I do know the difference between a 1 and a 2, and I certainly engaged the 1 button for English speaking robots to blabber to me while I wait for an actual human to answer my questions.

Are you fucking kidding me? How does the State of Connecticut not know either what a 1 or a 2 is or the difference between English and fucking SPANISH!

At this point I threw a pen against a wall and broke it. I was...more than miffed.

So I called back, went through that shit again, but this time, they registered the English request and I went ahead and got put on hold. After a solid 15 minutes of hold time, a robot came on the line and offered the call back service, which I accepted. An hour later, they called me back. I was put on hold AGAIN (fucking bureaucracy) and eventually a person came on the line. She was very helpful and answered all my questions and finished off my claim professionally. That was nice.

So then I went on the job hunt, something that I am going to have to get used to. I have to keep at it, plug away, and send at least one resume out a day. Anything I come across that I can do, or I think I can do, that business/organization/drug dealer is going to get a resume from me. Fuck them if they don't want to call me back. I am going to waste a lot of their time, whether they say no or not.

But now I have to fill time. This blogging thing will probably help. I don't have school anymore, unless it gets real bad out there and I deem it necessary to go back for a Master's. I doubt that though. And I don't want to get deeper into debt if I can help it.

So I came up with some things for me to do in my extra, non-searching, time.

-Catch up on my shows: Seriously, I should probably get on The Knick or Downton Abbey or something.
-Rewatch old shows: Lost a second time around? Why the fuck not, I literally got nothing else to do.
-Read: Holy shit, I have been on the same page of Don Quixote for, like, 7 months. I need to knock some of this library of mine out and learn some shit.
-Research: I AM trying to open a brewery, so learning how to do that would probably be a good idea, no?
-Learn something: A language, maybe. Something weird. I want to translate shit into Welsh. That might be fun.
-Keep the apartment clean: Really no excuse not to, and it'll be productive.
-Work out: I need to fight the urge to stay on my ass, getting fatter and fatter. And it might help fix my leg issues.
-Not drink: I need to fight the urge to day drink. I like day drinking, especially when I'm bored, so this is going to be a test of my will power. I'm strong, though. I got this.

I'm strong, though. I got this.


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