Saturday, October 25, 2014

Dog Whispering.

I can't say that anything fun or interesting really happened today. It was pretty normal. Routine, even. I get up, poop, shower, brush my teeth, and get dressed just like any other day. We all go to breakfast at the shitty diner together, so the whole team has some food based bonding time every day. This morning I was hungover, due to the karaoke bar madness last night, but I got over that pretty quickly.

The doofus and I went on our route, no big deal. I was able to go off into some neighborhoods on my own, getting away from his idiocy for a while. Seriously, I don't think he can read. Maybe I'm just better at dealing with street signs than he is, I don't really know.

In one of the neighborhoods I think I woke up a pack of dogs. There seemed to be 15 of them barking at me at the same time. What the hell did I do to them? I like dogs. I want them to love me. One came out of his yard and started following me around. He stood in the street while I went to houses and knocked on doors. He would bark when I came back to the street to move on to the next house. This happened for 2 entire streets worth of houses. Other dogs were freaking out and running around and barking. There was a lot of barking dogs today. More than normal. Everyone has a dog or two out here. I think I've seen maybe, MAYBE 5 cats in the days I've been here.

Eventually my new doggy companion took off and went home. Or so I thought. After a minute of solitude, I hear this thundering from behind me. I wheel around and the dog is sprinting at me and barking. He started circling me and barking and then just sat down in front of me. He cooled out and just trotted along side for a while. I MADE A DOGGY FRIEND!!

Then he took off for good and I was alone again.

I'm alone now, doofus went off to the beach to watch the sunset and get some barbeque or some such shit. The beach thing is honest to God true. He asked me if I wanted to go with him. To the beach. In balls cold October. To watch a sunset. I asked him he was taking me there to ask me to prom. I'm kind of a dick. Whatever, he laughed it off and left me to watch the World Series. I was fine with that.

I'm not going to watch a sunset on a beach with a 350 pound dude. Fuck that.

10 days until home.


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