Monday, October 20, 2014

Seattle has a place for planes to go!

First things first: I'm writing this while waiting for a plane. In Seattle. I'm on my way to a job in Alaska, yeah, THAT Alaska, to work on a Senatorial campaign that a friend of mine hooked me up with. So I'm in Seattle right now, not enjoying much other than a gray sky and an uncomfortably bad chair for typing. But, Seattle's airport does have it's perks. First of all, there is free Wi-fi, which is great, but would be better if it didn't SUCK! Seriously, for such a connected and technologically advanced city, at least to us Eastern folk, the Wi-fi here is fucking terrible. It was better in the last plane that I was in, and that went over Idaho.

Either way, I'm just tossing off a quick check in, I'm sure that I will be giving this keyboard a workout throughout the next 15 days. As of now, however, I have been awake for so long that I don't really understand time at this point. I think I have to get ready to get on a plane soon, but I have no real concept of hours at this point, so fuck it. I have no idea what the actual time is where I am right now. I think it's like 1:30 in the afternoon, but it could be something very different. I really don't know.

I don't really care either, to be honest. I think that I just want all this travel to be over with at this point. I've been either on a cramped ass plane, or in some sterile airport for most of a day, and I figure this is probably just my life right now, so I might as well adapt to it. In this here Seattle Airport, they play local music over their PA system, and that is incredibly cool. They also have a pretty good burger place in one of their food courts. It's right near the gate where I am writing this. A gate that I had to take a train to get to. A goddamned TRAIN! While I was on this silly train, I realized that all the announcements here, either for departing flights, or simply rattling off some TSA PSA, are all bilingual. English and Japanese. That's when I realized: There are a shit load of Japanese here. Just in the airport, there are so many Japanese. Whatever, I get it. Still, never heard Japanese announcements before.

Anyhow, My flight is threatening to board now, so I better wrap this rambling garbage up. So the moral of this tale? Seattle's airport is pretty cool, and has a lot of Japanese. They have a sushi bar, too. I didn't eat that. Fuck you airport sushi, you can't fool me into explosive poops.

More later,


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