Thursday, April 26, 2012

Back to work

During my physical therapy session today, I inquired to the point of going back to work.  I was given the news that while my job entails standing for extended periods of time, I can go back to work, so long as I don't stand for extended periods of time.  Essentially, I can go back for about 3 hours standing up and more time sitting down, if possible.  So I can work my way back into work.   A few hours a day, a few days a week.  I can manage that.  It will give me a reason to wake up before 10 every day, that's for sure.  It is also a return of income to my life.  I haven't been able to get any sort of work in since surgery, and even then, it was minimal at best.  But it has been 4 weeks since the operation, so that is 4 weeks with $0 coming in.  Luckily, I don't spend that much and had enough saved to cover bills and such in the mean time, but replenishing the dwindling reserves of my account is going to be nice, even if that process is painfully slow.

The other thing that going back to work is going to do is fill my day.  I will be able to make a schedule that doesn't revolve around the self indulgent rambling of this here blog or facebook posts.  Sooner or later, these were going to have to slow down.  I can't keep writing 1000 words every day, there is only so much to report when your life has nothing to report about.  Creative energy is a renewable resource, but sometimes it takes a while to renew it.  So I guess I get to have something to write about.  But if nothing interesting happens, then the status quo will continue.  Boringly. 

Luckily I have gotten the opportunity to write for The Scope.  I have been tapped to create silly, and totally fake, articles about whatever I want as well as more serious essays aimed at the world of sports.  Do I know how to do this? Probably not, but I know that I can write pretty well, so why not give it a shot.  I like doing these things, and there is some momentum building with the project as a whole, so I feel as though I am part of a thing.  Small though this thing may be, it remains a thing.  It remains a thing for me to do.  Something to fill my time when I am bored.  Something to get my brain moving is a direction, to focus on a story, or a topic, or myself.

I guess that the main story here is that my days are filling up again.  Getting back into the beer world is going to be fun.  Doing that tonight.  Getting together with the rest of Creature Brewing Co. is going to be good.  I want to get back on that horsey and make some booze.  I need to get going again and get back to my life.  Slowly but surely, bit by bit, that is happening, and that is something that I feel good about.  Finally starting to get less cynical. 

You're welcome.


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