Monday, April 16, 2012

The next benchmark

The small things matter.  Today I got my stitches out.  A small step, but an important one, nonetheless.  I get to live without a wrapping on my leg, just some sticky strips, not bandages, more like thin strips of tape, to keep the place where the stitches were intact.  The one thing that I wanted more than anything else after this visit to the doc was to take a damn shower.  The things I want don't come that easy though.  I still have to clean myself in a sink.  This should be easy, taking a shower.  Alas, I cannot have this thing, not yet anyway.  Tuesday morning is D-Day for true cleansing.  Only 24 hours later, but still.  I haven't had the ability, per doctor's orders, to stand under a torrent of clean water since I got out of surgery.  In March.

I guess the important part is that the wound is healing well enough to take out the knots holding it together.  Everything seems in order.  The doc was happy with the progress that I and my physical therapist have made.  Swelling is still pronounced but not horrible.  I knew that was going to be the case anyway.  6 weeks out of surgery I can expect my leg to look normal again, which would be the middle of May. 

The unlocked brace that I have allows me to walk with a bit more normalcy.  I can bend my leg to the point where I can sit in the front seat of a car.  Before this, I had to slide into the back and rest my locked leg along the length of the back seat.  Nowadays I can ride in a car like a human, which is nice.  Soon I will be able to drive, hopefully within the next couple of weeks, and get back to work. 

Doing normal things, like getting back to work is what I look forward to the most.  I like feeling like I am retired, but I get bored.  What is there to do when you don't want to do anything?  How do you fill the days?  Thanks Netflix.  I need income, as I have none now since the injury.  Soon enough, though, I will get back to it and pick up some hours.  Don't get me wrong, if I could never work again and spend my life in a state of perpetual recreation, I would.  In a nanosecond.  But that is a silly thought, as neither myself or anyone that I know are independently wealthy to the point that I can glom on like a parasite and hitch a ride to happyland.  I do want to get back to my normal life, at least for a while before I go and try to do something else.  Hopefully, the next thing I try to do won't blow up in my face like the last time around.

I have learned that a person is required to make their own luck.  If you aren't born with blessings from the heavens, you are normal.  When you are normal, you have to press the issue to better yourself.  When you press the issue, you end up blogging in a format that sounds like a DirecTV ad.  I gotta stop this.  Anyway, the moral of the story is that I tried to improve and failed.  My failure in this instance is a devastating knee injury.  Other methods of self awesomeering have worked out.  School, for instance has been pretty sweet, but that ends in like 2 weeks, so I have to find the next thing. 

Anyone got any ideas?


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