Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Floor Space.

I have more floor space.  The company that provided the cooling cuff took it back today.  I was only renting it, so I knew it was going to go.  I'm glad that it is gone.  Between the machine itself, the cuff, the tubes that connected the machine to the cuff, and the thick ass power cord, that thing took up WAY more room than it rightfully should.  Every time that I had to be near my bed, or wheel my chair anywhere, or use my crutches in the general vicinity of the machine, I had to be wary of the bulky apparatus and the dangers that it presents.  Tripping over the cord or the tubes would have been tragic.  Like really really bad. Don't have to worry about that anymore though, as the rat bastard thing is gone. 

When they came to pick it up they asked me if it worked.  How the hell am I supposed to know? It's not like I have every gone through this process without it.  I guess it worked, it was on for long enough.  Long enough where I think it must have done something good.  If it didn't, that would have been a huge waste of $200.  I could use that extra cash right now.  I got the bill.

Yeah.  Anyone got an extra $19,558 laying around?  Can I have it?  No? Bueller....Bueller? Damn.  Seriously? Nobody I know is independently wealthy enough to be a benefactor? Nobody wants to do something so absurdly generous they are guaranteed a spot in heaven, no matter how much other bad shit they might have done? Your loss.  Luckily for me I make so little money that I am eligible for most financial aid packages the hospital has to offer.  And even if I can't get the whole thing written off, which is a distinct possibility, they are pretty good about making both parties happy with installment payments. 

It'll be fun to get that done.

On a side note-A hearty high five to Matt Covey for being written up in Modern Drummer Magazine.  That shit is SWEET!


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