Monday, April 23, 2012

Same Shit

No status update on the leg, every day is a little better than the day before.  Fine.

During this whole process, I have been watching way more television that I rightfully should.  Unhealthy amounts.  To the point where I know what time Sportscenter ends every day (its 3pm, for the record).  I have gotten to hate commercials, though.  Like, a lot.  Certain ones in particular.  Anything done by Subway can BURN IN THE ETERNAL FIRES OF HELL.  Fuck those things.  Advertisements are supposed to entice people to buy the product, right? Not repulse a normal-ish person to the point where arson seems like a viable option. 

Car ads are pissing me off.  Local ones have always sucked, so that is no big dead.  Of course, there is the Bob's Dodge of Milford ads, which are so creepily hilarious that I can't stay mad at them.  The tag line, "He just want's to get you a loan," is repeated by every family member the guy has, including small, smiling children and a supremely uncomfortable wife who's mouth is saying words that underscore the impending danger her eyes are hinting at.  Truly incredible.

The national ones are getting more and more annoying.  From kids in a Honda minivan a Capella singing "Crazy Train" badly to truly horrible asswipey people smiling too much as they play a cocaine and ecstasy fueled version of the Life board game with Prius' instead of normal game pieces.  Music for commercials has become boring as well.  Everyone seems to be using the same Black Keys song, which is fine, I guess, because that band is great.  But they have like 400 albums out, so there has got to be at least ONE other song that can properly hawk your financial planning firm or commemorative stamps. 

I have begun to notice the same actors in several ads.  I guess that's fine, but it shows the dearth of creativity and quality acting that has permeated the American arts over the last few years.  This isn't that big of a deal, in the long run, but they are repeating commercials from years ago now, and the same knob wranglers that were in those ads are in current ones too.  For competing companies. 

Even the Super Bowl ads this year were lacking.  That is supposed to be where the best of the best come out to play.  Best game.  Best ads.  NOPE! The game was awesome, but if I have to see the fucking E-Trade Baby one more time, I am going to lose my shit.  I hate that kid.  He should be like 14 by now, stop running those ads.  They aren't funny.  They are no longer clever.  The course has been run.  Move on.  Goddamit.

I know that this doesn't seem like much, but when the things that you do during the day are limited, this stuff piles up.  I try to watch shows that are better for my brain.  They only exist on Netflix.  History Channel? Really? There is nothing historical about pawn shops or or sticking your hand in a fish.  Their programming is dreadful.  I tried the National Geographic Channel.  NOPE! They have fallen into the fishing show trap that Deadliest Catch and the Whale one started.  I really don't care about some illiterate fishing for tuna.  No dice there.  Other than fish shows, NatGeo (their word, not mine) has a line up of programs about prisons.  Is that what people want.  I know nobody reads magazines anymore, but National Geographic used to be a haven for thought and intellectual stories about interesting things.  Ancient Egypt, exploration of wilderness, new technology, outer space, these were the domains of National Geographic.  That was the place where you learned about nomadic tribes and old school wars and stabbing gear.  Their television channel lets you learn about crazy people who are saving cans for when the zombies come.  Idiots.


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